The Sovereign “Best in Snow” Loppet
- This event has passed.
RACE CANCELLED – posted: March 13, 9:40 AM
Good morning, the Sovereign lake board has decided to cancel the Sovereign “Best in Snow” loppet in respect to British Columbia’s health officials announcement yesterday, that includes a ban on gatherings over 250 people to curb the spread of of the COVID-19 virus.
COVID-19: B.C. bans mass gatherings, advises against foreign travel
Stay Healthy
DATE: Saturday, March 14
Online registration deadline is March 11 at midnight
8 am – 9:30 am at the Race Office on Saturday, March 14
- Bib pick up
- Day of registration is by cash only and exact change appreciated.
Free Technique (Skate or Classic), there will be 10k/15k/30k single lane track set courses
We will display the technique in the results. This will allow those who are skiing classic only (i.e. no skating at all during the race) to compare their times with others.
Separate awards will not be provided for classic technique.
No refunds will be given. All race proceeds to go kids programs.
- The race course trails are open to the public, be courteous to other skiers, pass safely and be polite.
- Please refrain from trampling the classic tracks.
- Be respectful of other racers when passing, and do not block skiers trying to pass you.
- Anyone reported skiing in poor etiquette to other skiers, blocking or unsportsmanlike behaviour will be disqualified.
- If you are unable to finish the race, please let our finish line timing people know.
Medals will be given out to the top 3 men & women in the 10k, 15k, and 30k distances.
Separate medals will not be provided for classic technique.
Draw prizes will be randomly given out at the end of the event.
Smokies/sausages will be available for a fee (cash only), money raised will go towards SLNC youth programs
LOCATION: Sovereign Lake Nordic Centre, Vernon, BC
HOST CLUB: Sovereign Lake Nordic Club
CONTACT: [email protected]
VOLUNTEER: sign up sheet
RESULTS: 2020 results will be listed on www.webscorer.com
2019 ‘Best in Snow’ times 5k 10k 15k 30k (results)
Congratulations to the ‘Best in Snow’ athletes!
All skiers were timed in their events, follow the link above.
Under the event distance, click the green category to see all results.
We hope everyone had a wonderful day!
Thank you for taking part in the ‘Best in Snow’
- Pre-register online before March 11th
- Online registration deadline is March 11 at midnight
- Day-of registration is cash only and will take place in the race office on the morning of March 14th from 8 a.m. until 9:30 a.m. Cash only. Exact change appreciated.
- All athletes registered in Sovereign Skill Development Programs (JD, TA, JR, Bunnies) receive a free entry.