New Provincial Guidelines Temporarily Suspend All Adult Programming at SLNC


By order and direction of the Provincial Health Officer (PHO) and Viasport BC there have been further updates on December 2nd and 3rd to the restrictions announced in the written Order from November 19th, which is accessible here.

Also CCBC, our sport governing body has sent us the following guidelines following these latest PHO decisions. It can be found here:

The term “team sports” applies to all social and performance adult activities within an organization as determined by Viasport and CCBC. This new mandate requires the temporary suspension of all Masters XC, Masters HP, and U35 Programming taking place at Sovereign Lake Nordic Club. The duration of this new order is undetermined at this time.

The Ministry of Health reminds us that the intention of the restrictions is to minimize the number of people we interact with and reduce travel in order to significantly reduce COVID-19 transmission. As you know, travel and interactions are a key part of the sport experience, however, during this very critical time in this global pandemic, it is important all travel and interaction, including those for sport, be put on pause.

Specifically, the latest updates include:

All indoor and outdoor team sports for people 19 years of age and older are suspended. The website lists a number of sports as examples, it is important to note that this is not an exhaustive list. All team sports must follow these restrictions.



Troy Hudson

General Manager

Sovereign Lake Nordic Club