The public comment period on the initial planning stage of the Management Plan for Silverstar Provincial Park concluded on January 15th, 2020. BC Parks received 89 public comments forms. We thank all of those who participated and shared important input to the planning process for the park.
The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (BC Parks) is now seeking public input on the Draft Management Plan for Silver Star Park [PDF].
You can submit either an online comment form or simply print out the comment form [PDF] and mail it in (to the address at the bottom of the comment form) by January 31, 2021. In light of COVID-19, it is still uncertain if public information sessions will be held for this stage of the management planning process. Please check back on the BC parks website occasionally for updates on the planning process.
Draft Management Plan Document
BC Parks is requesting all feedback on the draft plan by January 31, 2021.